I am so excited! I just order 500 Mrs. Bubba $ave$ business cards from VistaPrint and all I paid was $6.15 in shipping. Now when folks ask me: "How did you do that?!?" when they are in line behind me at the grocery store I can hand them a business card and tell them about the blog. :-)
Do you have a home business? Or do you need an easy way to hand out your name, number, or email address? There are things called "Mommy Cards" and you could use these business cards to have an easy way to keep in touch with the Mom's you meet at the play ground or your child's school. If 500 is overwhelming then go for 250. Head over to VistaPrint and pick your card, type in what you want it to say, make sure you select "blank back", and I chose the slowest shipping option they offer.
They have all kinds of designs! Are you a baker? They have cards for that. Do you make jewelry? They have cards for that. Are you a retired (or active) CPA? They have cards for that! If you have been holding out on ordering cards, like I have, now is the time.
Standing on His promises,
Mrs. Bubba
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