
Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Restaurant With A View

Sun Dial Restaurant Bar & View

I've told you about Groupon before and I know that they focus on businesses in Atlanta and not our area BUT they have a deal for the Sun Dial Restaurant that is unbeatable!  If you buy the Groupon you will get $50 worth of food for $20, unbelievable!!!!

What is Groupon?  It is a company that scours the city for popular places to eat or be entertained and then talks to the company that owns those places to offer Groupon's followers a discount on their services.  I recently bought a $75 photography class for $37...and she is going to teach me how to use MY camera not just a general type of class.  Yes, the class is in Atlanta but it just around the corner from Ikea and my family can meet me for lunch or an early dinner while I'm there.  I will make a day of it.

Have you heard of the Sun Dial Restaurant?  It is incredible.  If you get the best reservations you will sit high in the sky, next to a window, and your table will slowly go 360 degrees around the entire building so you can see the whole Atlanta skyline!  Talk about romantic, just plain cool, and ladies: you get to dress up if you go for dinner.

I haven't been since I was a child so I cannot speak to the quality of the food.  I can speak to how amazing the restaurant is as far as romance, an unforgettable trip, and beautiful sights from the Atlanta skyline.  So, head over HERE and sign in to get your Groupon but always read the fine print!

Standing on His Promises, Mrs. Bubba

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