Friday he leaves for the Ukraine and will be gone for 10 days. He is headed over there to be a part of an Upward Soccer camp for the kids in the area and to encourage the Missionary and the Pastor of the tiny church that is there. Those folks walk around in a lifetime of hopelessness. Alcoholism is rampant, their lives and clothes are colorless. The orphanages are full, suicide is "normal". However, kids are kids whether they are Americans, Russian, Chinese, Peruvian, or Ukrainian! They love to play and "football" (soccer) is a well known and loved sport over there. This is Bubba's very first mission trip. It's only the second time he's left the US (the first was on our honeymoon). We are expecting God to do mighty things throughout this trip. I am very, very sad that my husband will be away for 10 days but I am excited to see what God shows him while he is gone. I can't wait to see how God grows him, spreads his wings, and opens his eyes! I would love for God to call us into full time missions somewhere else in the world.
I'm rambling. So, we celebrate his birthday Thursday and then send him halfway around the world on Friday. Its going to be an interesting week. :-)
Standing on His Promises, Mrs. Bubba
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