I am a HUGE fan of Dave Ramsey and his debt-free living plan. Several years ago, I told my Bubba "Why don't we have any money? You make a good living, a steady income, we live in a small house, drive paid for cars and yet I can't find $20-25 to buy a pair of jeans!" Frustration didn't cover what was going on in my mind over our finances. It was about that time that I started hearing about this crazy guy in Tennessee who talked about living debt-free. Dave Ramsey has a FICO score of ZERO! He hasn't borrowed money in nearly 20 years. He's got a great testimony about how God brought him to where he is today and I enjoy listening to him on the radio. He's a "rubber meets the road" kind of guy. His steps are simple and easy to understand. For us, it was just a matter of learning how to create and stick to a budget. For others, they are drowning in thousands and thousands of dollars in debt and his steps help them climb out. The point to all of this is: you are reading this blog to get deals and do better at the grocery store, what better way than being debt-free! Bubba and I couldn't save for the trip to Israel if we had car payments or student loans or credit card debt to pay off. Do you even KNOW where your money goes each pay period? We didn't but we do now, thanks to Dave Ramsey and his Baby Steps.
If you want someone to walk with you and help explain Dave Ramsey's debt-free plan then head over HERE and find out more about someone in this area who can help you.
Right now, Dave Ramsey's books are $10 each. This is a bargain! Head over HERE to see what he has to offer. Want to know more about Dave Ramsey? Head over HERE and check out his website.
Standing on His promises,
Mrs. Bubba
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