
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Help Please

I keep seeing this more and more: cashiers cringe when I pull out my coupons.  It's not because coupons are a drag or that they dislike having to deal with's because SOME of the people who use them turn into ugly monsters when a coupon doesn't ring up right, etc.  Just in the couple of months that I've been using coupons I've watched stores become more vigilant and less accepting of folks with their coupons.  There is someone ruining it out there for the rest of us!
For example, I was at RiteAid yesterday, I bought 2 Oral B Advantage toothbrushes.  I had a B1G1 coupon and 1 $2 off coupon for Oral B Advantage toothbrushes.  The cashier stood there paralyzed because she didn't know if they could accept both of those, etc.  She immediately started apologizing and called a couple people to assist her.  I've NEVER had a problem with my coupons before at RiteAid.  Now, this was a perfectly legal use of the coupons (I called corporate to verify after I left the store) but she had been treated so badly by some other couponer that she was afraid I was going to do the same thing.  :-(  Here's what ended up happening thanks to someone who has been hugely ugly to the cashiers and management at my RiteAid:  first, the nice lady scanned them in the wrong order so I calmly explained that the reason they weren't scanning right is because she needed to do the B1G1 first and the $2 Q second.  2) She voided out the $2 Q and scanned the B1G1, which made it work, but then the $2 Q wouldn't work (my guess is because it was voided the first go round).  According to corporate when a coupon doesn't scan and it's a legitimate coupon on the correct product there is a way the cashier can over-ride the computer and enter the information.   The manager had such a horrible experience with one of our own couponers that he no longer allows his cashiers to over-ride the system.  The rule is: if it doesn't scan, you don't get credit for it.
Here's where I need your help.  We all know someone who coupons, and they know someone who coupons, and they know someone who coupons.  Please, spread the word to be nice to the cashiers and the management!  If a transaction doesn't go your way then politely return everything right then and there and go to another store.  Those few people who are hateful, forceful, and ugly to the cashiers or managers CAN and WILL hurt the rest of us!  Stores typically have leway within their coupon accepting guidelines and when a manager/cashier is cussed out, or yelled at, they will exercise that right and make it more difficult to cash in on the deals that are to be had.  Please, please, please spread the word among the couponers of Middle GA to treat the cashiers and managers with courtesy and kindness!  If a cashier is clueless then gently ask to speak to the manager in order to clear things up...but don't scream and yell at either one.  The one or two bad apples are ruining the barrell for the rest of us!  Let's nip this in the bud NOW before Middle GA is no longer a friendly place for couponers.
Thanks so much, you guys are the best!

Standing on His promises,
Mrs. Bubba

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