I started this blog for several reasons:
1) I am so very excited by the money I am saving on everyday things that can be bought at the grocery stores and the drugstores
2) This year Bubba and I will need extra financial accountability because of the doors God has opened for us (Bubba going to the Ukraine in July and we are going to Israel in October)
3) I love to share what God is doing in our lives and money is one of those taboo topics even though God addresses it over and over and over in His Word
As you read through this blog you will see several different things. One of them is that on occasion a friend of mine will email me a deal that she found so I will post it on here and give her credit. If you find a deal that hasn't been talked about or found a way to make a good deal even better then I would love to hear from you. This blog is aimed, primarily, for those of us in the Middle Georgia area. Why? I have found that several of the blogs I follow are in major metropolitan areas and sometimes the deals and coupons they get do not apply here. Together we can make the most of the coupons we receive and the deals that are available in our area! Second, I will be transparent with certain aspects of our financial situation in order to have accountability for the year ahead and to show how awesome our God is as we go about our daily lives. He cares about you and that means EVERY aspect of your life. He has shown Himself to be more than faithful in our lives and I have to confess I believe it is because of Bubba's unflinching stance to tithe and give. I'll talk more about that at a later date. Third, there are SO MANY ways to save money out there but most of us just don't take the time to seek them out or to follow through with them. I am guilty of this but am determined to change that.
I am not going to reinvent the wheel with this blog. There are many blogs out there and the authors are doing phenomenal jobs. Southern Savers is one of my favorites when it comes to posting the grocery ads and the coupons that match up with it. Sometimes she even posts scenarios to get the most bang for your buck. Just remember, she is not a local so some deals do not apply here or we didn't get a particular coupon in our newspapers. Drugstore Divas blog about what they know best with the coupon match-ups. I Heart Publix specializes in deals at Publix. There are many others out there and I have learned so much from each of them. I will continue to pass on the deals that I find on their blogs and other deals that we find around here. When I find a deal on another blog it will show up on the right hand side in the green font. Sometimes I will add a short note and sometimes I will just add it to that list. I recommend checking it frequently as I add to it all the time.
I've had a couple of you ask how I'm doing what I'm doing. I will be happy to pass on that information but as I've said before, it is not a fifteen minute conversation. Contact me and we will work something out that works with both of our schedules. I will be posting a blog with the bare basics in a few days. That will give all of my non-couponing friends somewhere to start!
May you see God's hand in your life today,
Mrs. Bubba
what a great idea- Baby Sam's mama just emailed this link to me! I will be praying for you and Bubba as you seek His face in preparing for these trips. Thanks for keeping us up-to-date with coupons and deals! God bless, Jen