There is no way that one person can cash in on every single deal that presents itself. That would require going from store to store to store to store and back again when a new deal presents itself. So, sometimes a deal will slip through the cracks. That is okay. Sanity is important and losing it over coupons is, well, silly. :-)
This past week there was a deal on Right Guard Deodorant if you were able to print out the $2 off 2. I was unable to get in on that deal, not enough time in my week. I am excited because this deal has presented itself again!!! Kroger is having one of their 10 for $10 deals (which really isn't much of a deal on several of the things they advertise) however Right Guard is one of the deals. Woo-hoo!! I still get to cash in on the free deodorant.
Buy 2 Right Guard Sport Deodorants for $1 each
Use 1 $2 off 2 ($2/2) coupons
Total spent: $0+Tax
Gotta love free for a full size deodorant! God is providing for the boys at Breaking Free yet again. :-)
If you printed out the coupon for Del Monte Fruit Cups those are also part of the 10/$10. The coupon is $1/3 making each fruit cup $.66. I'm not sure if that is a great deal or not but I do like fruit so I may be getting in on this deal.
Mrs. Bubba
PS-If you are reading this on Facebook but not going directly to the blog, you may not be getting ALL the savings. Don't forget to check out the blog directly.
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