
Monday, June 28, 2010

Closing In On The End Of The Month

Can you believe that it is almost the end of June?!?  I feel as though I just started the month but the calendar is staring at me not allowing me to turn back time.  It is almost time to post end of month and YTD totals and update everyone on our Israel savings!

Before we get into all that, I want to remind you that the end of the month means declutter time!  Go through those coupons and pull out all that expire by June 30.  There are programs where you can send your expired coupons to our Military families stationed all over the world but I have not found one that is economical.  I'm not looking for cheap, just reasonable.  Anyway, the commissaries at Military bases in partnership with the companies that honor the coupons, allow our Military men and women to use coupons up to 3 months past the expiration date.  This is something to think about as you pull those coupons out.  If you find a "program" or organization that makes sending them overseas uncomplicated then we would love to hear about it!

So, go through the coupons and pull the ones that will expire and remember, if you want to cash in on any deals this week you probably need to hit the stores today or tomorrow!  A lot of your coupons expire on Wednesday.

By the way, it is YOUR responsibility to keep on eye on your coupon expiration date.  Cash registers do not recognize whether or not your coupons are expired.  If you use an expired coupon then you are stealing from the store you use it at because they will not be reimbursed for that transaction.  Be mindful of that as you shop.  Please be an ethical couponer!

Standing on His Promises, Mrs. Bubba

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