
Monday, March 22, 2010

Easter Traditions

Bubba and I don't really have anything that we do every single Easter other than going to church (but I really don't consider that an Easter tradition since we are there every week).  We don't have a particular meal or dress up and get our picture taken.  In years past we have spent time with our friends that have a bunch of kids and took Easter pictures for them.  Last year I went through all the trouble of putting together coordinating outfits for Bubba and myself only to find out Saturday that we weren't going to get to wear them.  This year a friend wants me to make chicken and dumplings, she will buy a volleyball net and invite a bunch of folks over to play.  I think that will be fun!
What do you do?  Do you read a particular Bible passage?  Eat a favorite meal?  What is your favorite Easter memory?
I know this is silly but my favorite Easter memory is when I was growing up.  After I turned 16 and was fortunate enough to have received a vehicle, mom still put together Easter baskets for us.  Easter was more like another day of Christmas at our house but I'm not complaining!  Our Easter baskets had candies, chocolate, a Cadbury Egg, Peeps, and other odds and ends in it.  My favorite "odd and end" was the Annual Pass sticker that went on my car and allowed me to come and go from Stone Mountain all I wanted (or was allowed to go by my parents)!  I enjoyed visiting Stone Mountain often and that sticker was my ticket to all the visits I could muster.  :-)  One year I saw the Laser Show no less than 10 times!
Anyway, this has nothing to do with saving money but I am curious what you do.  I am looking for a couple of traditions that Bubba and I can do to focus our minds on what Christ did for us on that first Easter morning.
Standing on His promises,
Mrs. Bubba

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