Total before coupons and sales: $513.33
Coupons Total: $151.31
Deals/Sales Total: $218.89
Total Spent: $143.13
That is a savings of 72.12%! Not bad, not bad. Not as good as in the past but I definitely won't complain. This breaks down to $35.78 a week. Just over the amount I have budgeted but I had a little extra wiggle room from February's totals. Here are the numbers since January 1.
Total Before Coupons and Sales: $1587.11
Coupon Total: $533.68
Deals/Sales Total: $659.01
Total Spent: $394.42
That is a savings of 79.82%. Last year I would have spent $1020 by now and would have nothing to show for it. This year I have more food and toiletry items in our cabinets than I ever thought possible. I won't have to buy soap for Bubba for a year, maybe more. I haven't bought toilet paper in 6 months or so and I still have a couple months supply left. On top of all the surplus in our home I can't even remember how many products we have given away! If you haven't started using coupons then now is the time to get started. You too can save a lot of money and still have plenty to give away.
As for our saving up for the Israel trip, that got an extra boost since we received unexpected tax returns from both Federal and State. It is just a tiny bit over 70% saved up for. We are so very excited about this trip even though it doesn't happen until October!
Standing on His promises,
Mrs. Bubba
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