
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Excitement at CVS!!!

I've heard about them.  I've wondered when we were going to get them.  I've heard wonderful stories about them.  THEY ARE HERE!!!

Okay, okay, enough with the drama already.  On a serious note I am excited!  CVS has this thing where, somewhere near the entrance to the store is a red scanner box thing.  You walk in, scan your CVS card and out pops coupons to all kinds of things in the store!  From what I've heard, a lot of times it will be stuff that you probably won't buy (if you are a serious couponer) but there will be times when it will print out a beautiful coupon to something you need/want/were going to buy anyway.  I've even heard that sometimes it will print out a coupon for a free item!  Doesn't that word just make your heart thump!  :-)

The young man at CVS today told me that it will "reload" once a week for the most part but I would scan your card every time you walk in.  If it doesn't give you coupons today, it might tomorrow!  You never know.

I will try and take a picture of it and post it here so you can see what I'm talking about.  Tonight the magic machine printed out 2 coupons for me:  $1 off any CVS hair care item and $1 off any CVS allergy item.  I might actually use the hair care one.

Go check it out!

Standing on His promises,
Mrs. Bubba

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