
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How to Save Money on Diapers

Believe it or not, there are many ways to get cheap diapers besides using Generic brands! I have never paid full price for diapers and I refuse to do so. I normally only buy Pampers Cruisers or Huggies Supreme and unless I can get diapers for under 25 cents each, I don’t buy them. And, if I can get them for under 20 cents each, then I stock up. Obviously, the larger the size, the higher each diaper costs….and then last Fall, both Huggies and Pampers put less in each package, but still charged the same—go figure!! Anyway, here are my suggestions:

1. Sign up for the Publix Baby Club: They will send you coupons based on your child’s age. Not only do you get diaper coupons, you will also get coupons for produce, meat items, the deli, and even toiletries. They even send a $5.00 off coupon for Publix brand diapers, which makes the package only $2.99!

2. Take advantage of store coupons! Target, Walgreens, CVS, and Publix allow you to use both a Manufacturer’s coupon with a store coupon, which is a double bonus. So, say that a package of Pampers is on sale for $8.99 at Target. You can use a $1.50 Target coupon and a $2.00 Manufacturer’s coupon, which makes it $5.49 for the package. I buy size 4 and in the package there are 27 diapers, so it comes out to be $ .20 per diaper! So, buying the bigger package doesn’t always benefit you…especially if you have multiple coupons! I usually don’t have an abundance of store coupons, but find someone who doesn’t use the same brand of diapers than you and trade with them. Or, better yet, find someone that doesn’t use diapers and let them give you their coupons…I have several friends who give me diaper coupons all the time and I very much appreciate it!

3. Check each week, she posts the best deals on diapers, wipes, formula, and baby food.

4. Know when the companies are changing packaging and once they do, look in the clearance section! Last summer, Huggies changed packaging and Publix had their Huggies packages for ½ price! And, I had coupons! Baby Sam was only in Size 2 at the time, but I got every package of size 3 and 4 they had. Now, keep in mind that Huggies was changing their packaging to put less diapers in the package, so this was 50% off the package with more diapers!! The packages were on sale for $7.49 with a coupon of $ 1.50 and there were 56 diapers. It was only 10 cents each! It was wonderful! I seriously bought 8 or 9 packages, but at that price, I couldn’t resist. Baby Sam was in size 3 and size 4 (still in them) for months and months, so my suggestion would be to buy a lot of these sizes if you are stocking up. Everyone’s kid is different, but after talking to several of my friends, they have said the same.

5. Sign up on Pampers or Huggies website to get coupons!

6. Check out CVS or Walgreens for great deals! CVS hasn’t had great diaper promotions lately, but sometimes you can get Extra Care Bucks to use on other things. However, Walgreens has been running Huggies promotions about once a month, therefore, keep an eye on their ad.

7. Transfer Prescriptions! Now, if you are like me and have one in diapers, you might be on birth control so that is something I have to get filled every month. Rite Aid always has prescription transfer coupons. And Kroger on 96 and Publix takes competitor Pharmacy coupons. So, one month, transfer your prescription to Rite Aid, the next month to Kroger and the next to Publix. You will make $25 each month and you can use that for anything and it is free money—especially to use on necessity items like diapers. So, basically, you get diapers for FREE! Target and K-Mart also run specials for prescription transfers in their weekly ad. And, usually if a new pharmacy opens, they will run a special as well. I am a “pharmacy hopper” myself, but if you have to have it every month, why not make money off of it? Now, I only have one prescription, but if you have several, it might be a headache to keep tabs on them, but… me the headache is worth it--even if you don't need diapers. However, if you have a life-threatening disease that you take medication for, it is not recommended to pharmacy hop. In that situation, leave your prescription with the pharmacy you trust the most.

I hope that gives you a few idea to save some money! ~Baby Sam's Mama

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